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August 13, 2024

How ad-based sampling provides high quality reach in small markets

Nico Jaspers

Forty percent of global consumer spending, or roughly $20 trillion, happens outside of the world’s biggest markets. Countries like Kenya, Bangladesh, Peru, Vietnam, Saudi Arabia, and many others present large and often untapped growth opportunities for global brands. However, gathering accurate brand perception metrics in these markets can be both difficult and expensive, especially within target audiences.

In this article, you'll discover how Latana's innovative ad-based sampling method tackles the challenge of reaching target audiences in small and emerging markets, providing brands with reliable and actionable insights to capture growth opportunities.

The Challenge: Reaching Target Audiences in Small Markets

Traditional panels, which have long been the backbone of market research, often fall short in several key areas:

  • Limited Reach of Panels: Typically, less than 1% of a population is registered in online panels. In large markets like Germany, this might translate to around 600,000 individuals, but in smaller countries like Switzerland, the number drops to less than 60,000. With low participation rates ranging from 5% to 20%, the available pool for research becomes even smaller, making it challenging to gather reliable data, especially for niche groups.
  • High Costs: Conducting traditional surveys is expensive, especially in small and emerging markets. High financial and logistical costs can be prohibitive for smaller brands or those entering new markets, limiting the frequency and depth of their research efforts.
  • Subcontracting and Inconsistent Methodologies: To maximize respondent pools, traditional tracking providers often subcontract multiple panel providers. This approach leads to inconsistencies in recruitment, incentivization, and data quality. Varying levels of fraudulent responses and varying methodologies can result in volatile trends and unreliable data.

Latana's Solution: Ad-Based Sampling

Ad-Based Sampling: Revolutionizing Data Collection

Latana’s innovative approach integrates survey questions directly into advertising space seen by billions of people worldwide via real-time bidding. This seamless survey integration allows for interactive participation directly within the ad space, eliminating the need for redirection to external survey platforms. This revolutionary technique ensures broader, more representative data collection from everyday casual people, enhancing the accuracy and reliability of brand perception metrics.

Unmatched Reach and Coverage

With the capacity to reach up to 70% of a country's population per day, Latana's ad-based sampling taps into the largest possible sampling frame of any existing methodology. Six billion people currently own a smartphone, and almost all of them use services, browse websites and use apps that display advertisements. Through our ad-network integrations, we are able to bid on over 40 billion ad requests daily around the world, meaning we can provide frequent, reliable tracking even in small and emerging markets. This broad coverage ensures that brands capture a diverse and representative sample, vital for accurate and actionable insights.

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Ad Impression Data

Latana's ad-based sampling methodology has an impressive daily reach figures in all countries, including those where traditional panels are often limited:

What this means in terms of reach per country is that brands can easily access everyday, casual people representative of each market in large numbers. Latana’s sample size over the course of the year is up to 10x the industry standard. This provides brands the ability for companies to track their brand reliably, frequently and efficiently in these markets.

This unparalleled reach opens up the door for brands to make data-led decisions with greater confidence.

Consistent Methodology Across the Globe

Our ad-based sampling works consistently across every country and region, enabling brands to make cross-country comparisons without the need for correcting biases from different sampling approaches. Whether data is collected in Switzerland, Hong Kong or India, the methodology remains uniform, ensuring the integrity and comparability of the results. There’s no subcontracting to other parties, meaning there is end-to-end transparency which ensures consistency. This global consistency is crucial for brands seeking to understand their market position and performance on an international scale.

It is also possible to tailor your surveys to specific geographic areas, from major cities to sub-city levels, ensuring accuracy and relevance in data collection. In the US, for example, targeting can be set at the state or even sub-state level to guarantee a sampling setup that follows population densities. This can be particularly important in countries like Belgium or Switzerland, where regions can have significant cultural or linguistic differences.

Case Study: Emma Sleep

Emma logo - for light theme

Emma Sleep is a leading D2C mattress brand present in numerous countries across four continents. With such a vast global reach, the brand recognised the value of having localized brand tracking insights for each market. However, Emma Sleep had the challenge of reaching target audiences in small and emerging markets, particularly Hong Kong, The Netherlands, Taiwan, Switzerland and Belgium.

Through traditional approaches, the brand was not able to reach enough of their target audience to gain credible insights in these markets, especially when you consider the purchase cycle for mattresses and how infrequently consumers buy into the category. They were also challenged by the costs associated with more traditional incentivised approaches to track frequently in these markets, meaning they had little to no insight on brand perception in key markets.

Emma Sleep made the decision to use Latana to track brand performance in these smaller markets as well as their larger, main markets. By leveraging the digital advertising ecosystem, we are able to help Emma Sleep track in 20 markets worldwide receiving monthly outputs with high levels of precision and accuracy when it comes to brand perception within mattress buyers in a cost effective fashion.


Latana’s global reach and innovative ad-based sampling methodology address the significant challenge of obtaining reliable brand perception metrics in small and emerging markets. Our approach enables brands to make informed data-led decisions when it comes to capturing growth opportunities. By leveraging data from a diverse and extensive sample, brands can confidently navigate these markets and fine-tune their strategies for maximum impact. If you'd like to learn how Latana can help you track in traditionally hard to reach markets, get in touch with us at

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